This is a two-part job. First configure the setup installation package for the client computer and afterwards create a Group Policy with additional settings.
Run “setup.exe /admin” and change the following sections.
I accept the terms in the License Agreement = Selected
Display Level = None
Completion notice = Not selected
Suppress modal = Selected
No Cancel = Selected
Office, First run
Disable First Run Movie = Enabled
Disable Office First Run on application boot = Enabled
Office, Privacy
Disable Opt-In Wizard on first run = Enabled
Office, Miscellaneous
Disable the Office Start screen for all Office applications = Enabled
Suppress recommended settings dialog = Enabled
Additional content:
HKCU Software\Microsoft\Office\<version>\Common\General ShownFileFmtPrompt = DWORD 1
HKCU Software\Microsoft\Office\<version>\Registration AcceptAllEulas = DWORD 1
HKCU Software\Microsoft\Office\<version>\Lync SavePassword = DWORD 1
HKCU Software\Microsoft\Office\<version>\Lync TutorialFeatureEnabled = DWORD 1
HKCU Software\Microsoft\Office\<version>\Lync IsBasicTutorialSeenByUser = DWORD 1
HKCU Software\Microsoft\Office\<version>\Lync AutoRunWhenLogonToWindows = DWORD 1
HKCU Software\Microsoft\Office\<version>\Lync MinimizeWindowToNotificationArea = DWORD 1
HKCU Software\Microsoft\Office\<version>\Lync AutoOpenMainWindowWhenStartup = DWORD 1
Group Policy
Launch ‘Group Policy Management’ or other Group Policy Management tool.
User, Microsoft Office\First Run
Disable First Run Movie = Enabled
Disable Office First Run on application boot = Enabled
User, Microsoft Office \Microsoft Save As PDF and XPS add-ins
Disable Microsoft Save As PDF and XPS add-ins = Enabled, Disable XPS
User, Microsoft Office\Miscellaneous
Block signing into Office = OrgID Only
Disable the Office Start screen for all Office applications = Enabled
Suppress recommended settings dialog = Enabled
Show OneDrive Sign In = Disabled
User, Microsoft Office\Privacy\Trust Center
Automatically receive small updates to improve reliability = Disabled
Disable Opt-in Wizard on first run = Enabled
Enable Customer Experience Improvement Program = Disabled
Send Office Feedback = Disabled
User, Microsoft Office\Subscription Activationshow
Automatically activate Office with federated organization credentials = Enabled
Do not show "Manage Account" link for subscription licenses = Enabled